So far, so good!

I am so in the mood to write but I really have nothing to say! I have had a very nice week- got the house in order the first couple of days, gave a dinner party Tuesday night, have read and rested for the remainder of the week. I have worked out every day and slept a bit later every morning. Last night we went to a fundraiser in the penthouse of an office building and it was so pretty up there and so much fun. Some friends of ours were in the band and lots of our friends were in attendance. Jon just stopped by this morning on his way to Mobile, he is attending a “stock the bar” party for his best friend’s wedding. Tim brought me breakfast in bed from the Boy Scouts pancake breakfast this morning and although I feel a bit of a cold coming on, I think I am the luckiest woman alive.

This next week I will be serving jury duty. I think I have told you guys before that I enjoy that. I have done it three times before and I have always been put on a case. It is like going to the theatre for several days in a row, but with real lives in your hands. Intriguing to say the least! I hope I have good stories for you next week!

I plan to take advantage of being downtown for long lunch breaks and go to the art museum and eat in cool, new places. It is supposed to be pretty weather towards the end of the week so I can walk around the park and people watch. One thing positive I can say about myself- I am never bored! Too many interesting people to observe, too many fascinating things to try, too much contradiction to examine.

So the end of week one of my break and so far, so good!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.