
I am about as tired as I have ever been! I went to see Les Miserables last night which was great but long so I got home late. Then I was up early this Saturday morning. Those of  you who really know me know that I am NOT a morning person. And to get up early- on Saturday – to dance! Well, that is like torture! And add to it that my guys went to the Alabama- Arkansas game, my favorite game of the year! My dad went to Arkansas so I love to watch Alabama crush them!

The dance workshop was actually pretty fun. Now don’t get me wrong- I am still not a dancer, never will be I guess, but it was such an extreme workout, the facilitator is such a nice guy and I love being able to watch these talented kids perform! However, it was literally three hours straight of dancing. We stopped three times for water but only for a minute, maybe two tops. We were all dripping with sweat after the first hour. Several people stepped out and rested but I kept pushing and pushing. If I can’t actually dance I have to be persistent at least! With about 15 minutes left to go, I began to feel dizzy. So here was my choice, stop for a minute or pass out. I decided sitting for a second was preferable. I sat, wiped my face and immediately he started a new dance, a Charleston. Well, I can do that so I hopped back up. The dance progressed to a more complicated step but I finished the class.

Sweating and with my throat dry I headed home by way of chick-fil-a. Trust me, after a workout like that I could afford to eat anything! When I got home I wolfed down my sandwich and began cutting out stencils for the signs I have to paint for the next play at school, while trying to get the tv on the back porch to work. I finally got it all going, painted the signs, watched Alabama beat up Arkansas. What started out as a day I was dreading turned into a pretty alright day.

I am still very stinky sweaty, bone tired and the chick-fil-a didn’t even come close to filling me up! So I think a shower, a bowl of popcorn and getting caught up on Project Runway (if I can stay awake) are my next projects. But I accomplished a lot today! One of the guys in dance class looked at me with sweat pouring off of him and said he thought he was going to have a stroke. I told him to talk to me in 35 years. He smiled and said, “Yes, you are amazing!” And although most of my steps were wrong, I felt amazing. And strong, and tough and… oh to hell with it- I am exhausted!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.