Oh no she di-n’t

Well, it is official- the freshmen are totally out of control! I have told you that they have been pretty condescending to me this semester but I hoped that I was just in a bad mood. I have tried to make friends with a few of them with only marginal success. But today before ballet was SO over the top that although I know some faculty read this blog, I just have to share it anyway.

First off, one freshman girl who will remain nameless but has already offended a lot of people including me, was complaining about having to go to rehearsal when she didn’t see that it actually involved her. First off, she should be damned glad she has a part to need to go to rehearsal. I wish I had a part in this show! Secondly, that is the director’s call, the proper response is “yes, sir” not complaints. And lastly, it is so helpful to watch rehearsal when you aren’t involved so you get a feel for the other parts of the show that you are not in. So freshman girl, no sympathy here.

In the course of the conversation, another freshman girl, girl number one’s friend, who has also offended me, called one of my very favorite fellow students who works harder than anyone in the department AND carries a lot of weight in the department, a bitch!! This is one of the sweetest girl I know and this dumb, rude freshman called her a bitch behind her back!!  All I can say is “Girlfriend, oh no you di-n’t!”

Lastly, as other freshmen joined the conversation, freshmen with parts (again- no sympathy!) and without, complained about “Callaghan”. Not DR. Callaghan or even the more familiar and endearing Dr. C but just Callaghan. Obviously, they have not been “raised right”, have no manners or respect for authority. And they are too dumb to realize that their futures at school lie in his hands!

So keep on “dumb freshman” because believe me your days will be numbered or at least made miserable if you don’t start to show a little gratitude and respect. To hear them talk they are so talented I guess they think it doesn’t matter, but I got news for you- no one is that talented! So either learn some manners and decorum or I won’t be seeing you around much!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.


  1. Heehee! Do they know that attitude, decorum and work ethic are all qualities that each of the professors at UM take into account when casting.  An actor could be brilliant, spot-on,  beautiful and RUDE  and I’ll cast someone with a good attitude over that person any day of the week.  I want a positive process….and if that means me working a little harder with one actor who has a good attitude but less ability I’m all for it 🙂  

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