
I wrote a bad review this weekend. I didn’t like the play. Well, I think the playwriting was fine. I didn’t like this presentation. In fact, I was angry during the play and I felt insulted afterwards, when I stopped to think about it. I had decided while writing this blog that honesty was my top priority. I felt that I had been a bit dishonest in some of my reviews and that made me feel badly. So I told everyone I was going to be more honest- not hurtful or mean, just truthful.

And then I was presented with this. And I decided to write and be honest. When it was edited and posted I decided not to put it on any of the usual pages, just my own. And then I wrote a disclaimer on my status. And now I am writing this. Sometimes the truth as you see it, is hard. And sometimes doing your best and what you think is right is difficult. Not that I didn’t mean every single word I said. And for people who are staples in the theatre community and held up as the best we have, I expected more. Over and over and over we are subjected to the same actors, because they are considered by many as our brightest stars, so I do judge them more harshly than others.

Overall, this gig is fun and I love seeing shows and writing about them. I am an easy audience member, there to be entertained and aware of all of the work that goes into a show. But I know how I felt the other night, so I wrote it. And now this job is difficult.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.