
Well, I have managed to do what I set out to do and that is unusual. I have had a very slow and boring week. I am glad about that I guess- I needed the rest. I have cleaned my house, cooked interesting, healthy meals that I have loved and my family has hated, I have gotten our taxes in the accountants’ hands. I have actually read a magazine as well as plays and yesterday I got some time at the spa. Today I have plans for a haircut and dinner with friends tonight.

No packing, no traveling, no late nights, no adventures. But when my son Jon got a huge promotion at work, I was here to cook dinner for him and we had cupcakes to celebrate. I was able to get caught up on all of the TV shows I was weeks behind on. I sat down to spend time with my husband in the evening. And I slept late pretty much every morning. All in all it has been good for me, even though I crave adventure and love to stay busy. Even I need a break and the past few months have been busy and adventurous enough! And the next couple of months promise to also be full of all kinds of activities.

So even though I know it sounds boring, and really kind of was, it has been exactly what it needed to be. As always, I wonder if I really want to jump back into all of the angst and drama that is college but I know deep down I do.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.