
I want to be angry. Wait- let me rephrase that- I am angry but I can’t show it. I have to be nice. Isn’t that what we are taught as Southern ladies? I am mostly angry with myself but I am also angry at the system.

I can’t really share why I am angry and that is a big part of why I am angry! I can’t hurt anyone’s feelings or seem like I am not a good sport. Everyone thinks my blog is open for comment and if I say anything that might make me sound like I actually have feelings then I am a horrible person so I have to only report the funny stories.

So here’s a funny story. A freshman came up to me before I went on to sing my audition piece, which was a huge risk and I took it anyway. (Can you say BOMB?) He said, ” Are you auditioning?” in an incredulous voice. I said “yes” trying to be nice and then he said, “You are?” I said in a not so nice voice, “Is that OK with you?” And he said, “I guess.” And I told him thank you, I was glad to have his permission. And then I was called to sing.

So I get to take the abuse for being old not only from him but others who constantly remind me I have to be “age appropriate” in all I sing and do. So I try to smile through it all. And today I realized while I have to be age appropriate, it is OK for a 20 year old to play the grandma.

OOps! I am not being the kind, understanding, OK with whatever you do to me person I need to be. I apologize. I have been blasted this week by a professor for taking Chemistry even though I am a lowly female, theatre major and now this. I need a drink and a break. Thank God it is a long weekend!

PS_ I dropped the Chemistry class- if I want to be abused I can just talk to freshman!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.