Keep moving

And just like that it is over. Luckily, I fell right in to another project of huge proportions, but as I see the facebook posts about graduation, I get a little teary eyed. There are a few people graduating that I will miss terribly. And there is one someone who is going away to Russia of all places, whose absence will make next semester pretty unbearable! So even though I am in a new and different time crunch and then have jury duty before starting chemistry, I have to pause for a second to realize I actually accomplished a lot this past semester. No, I will not make straight A’s but I think I will only have one B. Out of SEVEN, count them 7 classes, that ain’t bad! ( And we all knew I could not dance- I am lucky to get a B!) I did 2 shows as well, so I feel pretty good. Now I have to reorganize my house after Jon’s big move and get ready for a birthday gathering by Tuesday.

I also have plays to read and a BFA project to write so I have more than enough to keep me busy. I hope that I get a week at the beach with Stephen in there somewhere- summer isn’t the same without seeing the white sand and blue water of the beach. I would also love to sneak away to NYC with Tim and Jon for a few plays and some shopping but we will have to see about that!

So yes, I have a few tears in my eyes for the friends I might not see again and for all that this semester meant to me but as usual, I have to keep moving forward. Happy Graduation my friends! Have a great summer everyone!

(I am sure there will be posts this summer so stay tuned!)

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.