Your act is your act

OK, I have to admit, I had bad dreams last night. I have always been a dreamer. No, I don’t mean someone who lives in a dream world or has unreasonable expectations for life. I mean I literally have very vivid dreams while I sleep. They are in full color, usually have a beginning, middle and end, and sometimes even have musical numbers! I am usually the star of my dreams, but not always. And most of the time I can figure out why I dream what I dream.

Last night was certainly one of those nights. I had a very vivid dream and I can tell you exactly what caused the dream.- my blog post yesterday! Yesterday I wrote about being a slacker and seemed pleased with myself for being a slug most of the day. My dream was my subconscious telling me that I better straighten up.

In my dream I was in a very weird, cluttered house with many rooms. Most of the rooms were so full of crap, that you could not tell what kind of room they were- bedroom, living room or whatever. Many of the rooms looked like the rooms on those reality shows where people are hoarders. I can’t watch those shows, they give me the heebie-jeebies! But I have seen them on Oprah or on commercials for those shows. In my dreams I was in a house like that. Most of the clocks were wrong because the batteries had never been changed. I had overslept and once I found my phone I realized that I could not get to class on time, even if I left immediately without a shower or makeup. I had to move newspapers in order to find my make up and plates were covered in trash bags. The whole place was a mess, my worse nightmare!

I know why I had this dream, to remind myself that I might be a pain in the butt sometimes and I might wear myself out trying to stay ahead of everything, but it has more benefits that drawbacks to me. I am always on time. I am able to get a lot done because I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for things- I know right where things are. I change the batteries in my clocks twice a year like- well, like clockwork! I have very strict rules I live by (for myself not anyone else! I think everyone has to live the way they see fit and it is not up to me to impose my rules on anyone!)

So although I enjoyed resting a bit yesterday and made a joke out of being a slacker, it is completely against my nature to be like that. And my psyche did not find it amusing! So I woke up this morning, showered, dressed and headed to church. I plan to study this afternoon and clean house a bit. My days as a slacker (or I guess I should say my DAY) are over. Back to being the annoyingly precise, A-type person I am.

Tim and I heard a comedian tell a story one time where the punch line was, “Your act is your act.” We looked at each other at the time and said, “HUH?” Since then we have used that saying many times. So for now I will excuse myself with that- your act is your act. And mine is what it is!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.