The Morning After

Well, Picnic is a memory. The play that has been the center of my summer is done. It was a great experience. Even though I have gone to Panama and celebrated a birthday and helped my son open a company, always in the back of my mind were my lines and the character I wanted to become for this play. If you are not in theatre it might be hard for you to relate, I guess. During rehearsals I go to bed and after saying my prayers, I say my lines. When I get in the shower in the morning I go through the acts and say my lines. Whenever I have a free moment I go through the flashcards I made with my lines on them.

When I am not thinking about what my character would wear or willing my hair to grow faster so I won’t have to wear a wig, I am thinking about how my character would handle whatever situation I am in, buying groceries, making a deposit at the bank, doing laundry. While getting my hair colored I reread my script. While flying to Panama I reread my script, while flying home I reread my script. And now it is over. I can read what I want. When the lines of my character pop into my head instead of trying 632 different inflections to get just the right one, I can push Irma and her bitchy words aside and think about what kind of dessert I want tonight. Because along with the show came two weeks of no dinner and no dessert. It did not fit into my schedule and I needed to fit into my dress!

But tonight I plan to make up for that. We are finally having my birthday dinner and I plan on several lovely adult beverages and several courses including dessert! I went to the doctor today and he is continually astounded at how healthy I am, that I don’t take any medicines and that I continue to be so happy with my life. Yesterday when someone told me they wanted my life I realized how fortunate I am to be me. It just takes a couple of days after a show to remember exactly who “me” is! I always think that I am a little different after each show- I have put some of me into my part and that character leaves a little of themselves with me. So I am back to me on this morning after, but I am the new me, ready to go again!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.