Tap Dancing

No, I am not taking tap dancing, although I think if it is offered next year I will. It has not been offered since I have been in school. I tried to teach myself to tap dance in college the first time I went and it was not successful. But I digress…

No, I am talking about the fact that I feel like I am tap dancing through my life right now and I am dancing as fast as I can. Non-stop, high energy, fast paced tap dancing just to try and stay even. I think I have given you an idea of how busy I have been with school, home, and rehearsals for two plays. Let’s just say I am about to have dinner for the first time in over a week!

What I want to share today are some of the things I am doing in all of these classes I am going to. The first time I tweeted something that hit me as funny was the day I went to my voice lesson and then straight to a class to weld. It just seemed an odd combination and not something the average housewife does in a day. The next time was a week later when I went from a class where I pretended to slap a precious little freshman girl for an hour (not one of the freshman I would like to slap, unfortunately!) then straight to a class where I was blindfolded and led around campus. A few days later I went from pretending to be my cat for an hour to dancing around a small room with 17 others to music I had never heard before and really had a hard time relating to!

In the midst of all of this I was hit with a dilemma. I spent last weekend in a constant state of turmoil as I tried to prioritize and get tons of work done. I made Tim work all Saturday morning at the show choir competition at Homewood High School so I could finish reading a book and get my paper done. I also had a collage to do, a song to pick and put on CD, midterms to study for and a script analysis, ground plan, prompt script and rehearsal schedule to do.

Not only did I make Tim do my job at HHS but I did not go to church Sunday and gave up a few other things I needed and/or wanted to do. But I did get the papers and other assignments done. I did not study as much as I would have liked- I just ran out of time before the tests actually happened! I went to school Monday feeling accomplished yet scared of the exams!

I found out Monday that many of the other kids were struggling to read the book, some had not finished, some had not even started! One even told me he was considering dropping out of school all together he was so behind! And I was upset that I had waited until the weekend before to get it done! (Actually I had not waited, I just never had time.)

So in class on Tuesday, the students pleaded with our teacher to postpone the due date until next Tuesday. Of course mine was printed and in my binder as the discussion went on. I kept my mouth shut, I did not care what decision was made. Honestly, I don’t want my friends to drop out or have their heads explode so when the teacher decided to postpone it, I was fine. Later it dawned on me that I had given up a part of my life to get the work done on time. I worried and suffered and put my family through turmoil to get it done on time. Not just on time but early- I knew my schedule for the next week and knew that I either got it done over the weekend or I would not be able to get it done at all. So now I don’t feel so alright about the decision.

I started to ask if I could go ahead and turn mine in, but I don’t always want to be “that person”. Don’t get me wrong, I still want the other guys in class to have the extra time, but I want it noted that I got it done early. Duly noted!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.