
I am back in school and what a week! My literature class is good and although I have looked forward to taking Kinesiology I am not thrilled with the teacher. I am up at 5:45am every morning to get Tim situated and then my drive to class. After my classes I head back to Birmingham to fix lunch and get Tim ready to go to physical therapy. We usually get back in time for me to start dinner. Then I do some homework and I am ready to pass out in bed. About 11:30pm I get up to help Tim to bed and then back to sleep.

I was thrilled when the weekend got here! Jon was home to help and I got to go back to bed on Saturday after I got Tim up and situated. He is an early riser no matter what and I AM NOT! I could sleep all morning and then be up all night! Real life and school do not work well on that schedule so I am up again tomorrow at 5:45 am!

Tim was able to go out to eat for lunch yesterday and even though I asked him to take just one more week, he went to work at church today. My main concern was the stairs he has to climb to get to the sound equipment but he was determined to do this so I can not stop him. Tomorrow we are off to physical therapy after a full morning of classes. Tim gets his stitches out on Thursday and I hope that will make some changes in what he can and can not do.

I am thinking about stopping my blog. I still feel stifled to say what I really think about things. It is making me realize I must not be a very nice person because I have lots of funny stories about people but I know that people will be ticked if they read about themselves the way I see them. So for now I just state the facts of my life and it is getting boring even to me!! Oh well, maybe tomorrow I will be in a cattier mood!


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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.