
All around me there seems to have been so much going on and yet I stayed in a state of calm and silence. After a show I often get sick- I feel like I hang on during the show so I stay well until the end. I don’t eat as often and I work hard, trying to do my best not only for me but for everyone else in the cast. During this show as in several others recently, I ended up helping with the costumes. As you know, I take any task I am assigned very seriously and I tried my best to grant everyone’s requests for minster’s stoles and hats, dirty overalls and choir robes, etc. But in the process I let down my guard and I have spent the week sick. I began by being achy so I thought I strained myself running up and down the stairs of the theatre, but as the week progressed, I got the stuffy nose and sore throat I have dreaded for weeks. So as the snow fell down, I curled up tighter in my pjs and blankets and watched from my warm home.

I did offer my house to a few people, but probably luckily for them they all found other places to be. I hope I have not spread my cold to anyone. The snow was pretty from my window, but the pictures I saw on the news were anything but. I felt guilty that I was so cozy in my house, but I wasn’t really sure what I could do. Yesterday Tim and I met Jon for lunch just to get out of the house for a bit. On the road were many abandoned cars, some left right in the middle of the road. (I can’t say anything since I was not out in the mess Tuesday, but I can’t imagine that these people could not roll to the side of the road instead of abandoning their cars smack dab in the middle of the street!)The restaurant had water pouring out of the ceiling where the tenant above had a busted pipe. I imagined this kind of thing was going on all over the city. The whole situation was one I was glad I had avoided by being sick and at home!!

Now the snow is melted and things are slowly going back to normal. I still feel pretty puny in the evening and when I first wake up in the morning, but hopefully I will be getting back to normal soon myself. School has been out for most of the week and I am sure that moms have been glad to have their kids home and will be equally glad to see them go back to school Monday. For some people this has been life changing, for others an inconvenience, for some a fun break and for still others barely an event at all. Funny how the weather can be so many different things to so many people. And as always, life goes on.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.