Slow thinker

I have decided I am a slow thinker. Not a slow learner- I just memorized a monologue in about 35 minutes- but a slow thinker.

I always think of witty things to say well after the conversation is over and when hit with a question out of the blue I have no answer until I can mull it over for awhile. The other day a class mate walked by and said “What are the Five Wits?” I just stared at her. I knew them as I was preparing for a test on Everyman, but could only stare at her when put quickly on the spot. That is when I started thinking about this.

I am always one of the last ones to finish a test, partly because I go back and proofread all of my answers but also because I slowly and cautiously think through each response. A test is not a race and I am rarely in a hurry to finish. And although I can memorize a monologue in a few minutes, I don’t like that. I want to think it through and really dwell on each thought and emotion as I learn it. I want to leisurely reflect on the words.

Sometimes I feel dumb when people are so quick witted and ready with a funny quip. I have tons of smart retorts later that day which does me no good!! SO I have to resign myself to the fact that I am not quick on my feet, either dancing or thinking. I am a ponderer, a contemplater, a slow thinker.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.