Slacker Days

Is it just me or does everyone have “slacker days”? I am the first to admit, I am intense. I work hard, I study hard and I am hard on myself. I second guess, over analyze and put way too much pressure on myself. I want my house spotless and not just company ready at all times, but HGTV ready. I study what I am going to wear the next day every evening. I never want to be caught off guard, not with my clothes, my car, my house, my remarks or my emotions. I rehearse things to death because any error would kill me a little inside.

Now don’t get me wrong, I make tons of mistakes every day. The things people say and do catch me off guard ALL of the time. When school is in full swing I have been caught with  dust everywhere in my house and things not camera ready. Because of certain classes I have been forced to go to school in sweat pants and I have been upset all day because of it. I made my husband laugh hysterically the other day when I told him I had bought new luggage that would coordinate better with more clothes because when I travel I want my luggage to be stylish and different, but also where I can have a cohesive look when I arrive. I then told him I liked to try and match the chair I was going to sit in and thought about that before I picked where to sit down. I know- I need help! And he dissolved into gut-wrenching laughter.

But all of this is best case scenario. Usually I don’t match my surroundings and life can’t always be managed to look like a photo shoot. And some days I don’t want it to! Take today for instance. I never took a shower, I never put on make-up, I never combed my hair. I brushed my teeth, (now that is just good hygiene!) worked out, ( I am not totally a slug!) and vacuumed ( I try to everyday I can, it is a good workout! HUSH!)

But I put on Jon’s old Homewood Football #70  gym shorts ( he is a foot taller than I am and about 150 pounds heavier so you figure it out) and a Birmingham- Southern T-shirt and I was good for the day. I have been on the computer a LOT and I have watched some bad TV. I have read a magazine and sent texts to my son way more than he wants to receive on a Saturday. I have had a glass of wine on the veranda and watched the skies get grayer and darker, and loved it! I have been a total slacker (for me- I know I worked out and vacuumed- HUSH!)

Tim suggested going out for lunch- I just heated up leftovers. He talked about going to a movie and I reminded him that he would be working a wedding until who knows when so we could just do a pay per view at home. And again, I am cooking a new recipe for dinner. So I plan to never dress.

See, I am a “going out” type- I love to be out! Try the latest restaurant, see all of the movies, throw parties, meet people for drinks, travel whenever possible, dress UP! But every so often I need a slacker day. I need to watch trashy TV, look at magazines, never dress at all and watch the storms roll in on the veranda.

So forgive me everyone, today was that day. I am having one of my slacker days. And yes, I feel guilty. What could I have accomplished? How much could I have studied? What great project could I have done? But you know what? Even God took the seventh day to be a slacker. I think I will have another glass of wine!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.