I know I only blogged a couple of hours ago, but I had a revelation while I was out! I decided to go out and chill for a bit since it feels like I have studied chemistry non-stop for days! I had a coupon at LOFT and thought I might find a little summer dress. As I drove to Brookwood Mall, I was thinking about my last blog post. I realized how precise I was being, in my driving, in my list of errands, in my thought process and in every move I made. And then it came to me- this is why God didn’t give me a passion for science but for art! I love them both as I just said, but I am already such a nit picker! I drive my poor husband crazy with my perfectionism and how I want things to be precise all of the time. But I have been getting worse lately and I think I know why! Chemistry! That part of me has been overworked lately and it is showing up in everything I do! My cooking, my housekeeping, my studying, every thing! Can you imagine what a bigger pain I would be if I had been a scientist?? If God had given me a love for both things, but skewed my passion to science instead of art? Why- I would have been my father!!!

I quickly bought some light, summer novels and a crazy patterned, soft cotton maxi skirt and I am home to dance around the house until someone stops me! Long live the artistic side!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.