
(Note: I got some bliss products in the mail and along with them came a little blue canvas bag. Cute but unexpected and unneeded at the time so I stuck it under my desk and moved on.)

I told you all that yesterday morning my “Believe in yourself” bracelet was missing. I decided it was a sign for me to be strong on my own and I had to go to my biggest audition so far without it. I looked in my car to see if it had fallen off there but to no avail. I had worn it Monday and after school I had gone to look for a new dress for the audition. It is never a real event until I have a new dress! Although I tried on dozens of dresses I was in a weird mood and did not buy one. I was in maybe ten different stores at two different malls. I realized driving to school it more than likely fell off pulling on long sleeved dresses and I will never find it.

After a full day of computer class, musicianship, time in a practice room, a warm up and lesson with Natalie and ballet, I took off to Reynold’s Hall to change clothes and take a five minute break to prepare myself. In the pretty bathroom downstairs in Reynold’s (I consider it my private dressing room!) I put on my dress and fixed my make up.

I have gotten bad about not praying as much. I am so busy and I forget. I had decided I was going to try and really pray about this audition so the night before and the morning of, I prayed. As I was changing in the bathroom, I began to pray. All I asked was to be calm and to do my best. I did not pray for a specific outcome- God knows what that needs to be.

I reached into the little blue bliss canvas bag that I had used for the first time today to get a box of safety pins. Although I like the old red dress I decided to wear, it is too low cut for my taste so I needed to pin it. I had thrown in a box of safety pins at the last minute along with different undergarments and makeup. I pinned the dress and then looked back into the blue bag. At the same time I was praying to be calm and just do my best. “Please just let me be calm.” At the bottom of the bag I saw that some pins had fallen out of their box. I reached in to scoop them up and it was not loose pins- it was my ID bracelet that says “Believe in Yourself”!! There is no way that I put that there- I have never used the bag and the bracelet was missing before I packed the bag. But there in the bottom was the bracelet.

I put on the bracelet and all of the nerves and anxiety just flowed out of my body in a very noticeable way. I could feel it drain down like water in a tub going down the drain. I felt God saying “It will be OK. You will be OK.” and I was. I will probably get busy and forget to pray again, I am human after all! But what a lesson to me!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.