I know I come across as crazy sometimes. OK- a lot of times.Today was one of those times. One of the young women in our church that I have not seen in a while was outside after church with her family and some friends. I slowed to wave to her precious baby and she called out to me. “Congratulations!” she said and gave me a huge smile. I stepped closer and thanked her and she asked the usual question, “What areĀ  you going to do now?” I looked at her and shrugged. She looked right into my eyes and said, “You don’t have to do anything you know. You have done more than most.” I could feel the emotion well up inside of me and in order to keep from crying and because I felt the urge strongly, I hugged her. She looked at me oddly and asked what was wrong. I told her thank you, that she was the first person to say that.

Everyone asks what kind of job I plan on getting. I guess that is why most people go to school- to get a job. Others have urged me to continue my education, since I loved school so much. Most seem to think I will just go back to doing exactly what I did before I returned to college, sing with the Trinity Singers and work with the UMW and other groups.

I really don’t feel an inclination to do any of those things. Maybe someday, but not right now. And I doubt I ever want to just go back to what I did before, as if school never happened. Maybe some of it someday, but not today. My young friend was the first one to say out loud that I was not obligated to do anything. Oh, I want to do all kinds of things, but not things people usually understand. And I will do many things in the years to come. But I need time and I needed to hear someone say out loud that my idea to take my time is not totally awful. It is OK!

So thanks my friend! Although you are so much younger than I, I have always thought you were more together and you kind of proved it today! So I will keep thinking and when I have an answer to what I plan to do next, I will let you know. Just don’t expect an answer anytime soon.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.


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