Never satisfied

I have no time for blogging but since I have come to realize that writing is probably what I am most passionate about, I shall find time!

Today was a horrible day. Movement was ok but then I hurriedly changed clothes and ran to Acting 2 only to once again totally bomb on my monologue. I don’t know what it is that is so hard about this one monologue but it is not working for me! I looked down before I started, a rookie mistake that I realized the moment I did it. I began shaking again, about half way through. I became disconnected and was awful!

I changed clothes again and went for a run around campus. It did not make me feel better like it usually does and then I went to ballet where I did ok but still feel like the “short bus” kid.

What made today truly awful was this anxious feeling I have and the fact that I feel lost and have no motivation to continue. I feel foolish in everything I do now.

Sometimes when I watch these competition singing shows like American Idol, someone auditions who has been a back up singer for a famous performer or been in the chorus of a Broadway show. I always tell Tim that if that were me, I would have considered myself a success and called it a day! But they are there auditioning as if they had never had a job in the business at all. Why?

And then I realize that they are like me- never satisfied. I always look at people my age who are happy to put on the elastic waist pants and flat shoes and give up. I have often wished I could be happy with that- life would be so much simpler! I had a lovely home, great husband, terrific kid, a new sports car, plenty of volunteer work to keep me busy and yet I was not satisfied and had to go back to college. I have had every job I have ever imagined wanting- teaching, banking, running a professional theatre and yet I was not satisfied. Why are some people so easy to make happy and I am not? Why do I want more, why do I keep pushing to be perfect and young and all of the things I can never be?? It only means disappointment for me, right?

I dance and laugh and enjoy my day at school and then I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the window and think, what is wrong with me? How big of a fool do I look like? Shaking in my shoes while performing in front of 20 year olds who are so sure of themselves, when I am not. Dancing (if you can call it that) when I know nothing of what I am doing. I just feel silly and old and useless today and that is why I have had such a bad day.

And it is  not even that I care what “they” think (although truth be told I do.) It is more that I care what I think and I think that I am losing my momentum, I am falling behind because I am no longer sure why I am doing this, if I ever really knew. For all  of this time I have been badgered by my professors to tell them my goals, my five year plan, my ten year plan. I had none. I didn’t want one. I was moving ahead and open to whatever the world threw at me. Now I feel worthless because I have no plan. They have finally won- I have no plan, no reason to be there and I am feeling that lack of destination. I feel worthless and dissatisfied- as usual.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.


  1. There’s this great book–“The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man”–that changed my life. I read it first when I was 17. I had never felt satisfied. I told my mom when I was 8 that I wasn’t living up to my potential. But at 17 after reading the book I began to understand a little about who I was, who I am. We are artists and occasionally I’ll be satisfied with a project/product but I’m never satisfied with me. I re-read the book often to better understand myself. I also read “Zen and the Art of Archery” often. This will help you understand the art of not trying to hard. It will teach you the art of letting go which is the next step for you.

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