My Day

I am going to do exactly what I started this blog for- to share my days with the friends I never get to see anymore because of always being at school. I want to try to make them understand what I am doing and why I get so frustrated and exhausted. I am glad that the kids at school read this but they have these long, hard days as well and yet they really don’t understand since they are 35 years younger than I am. I do hope someday they look back when they are my age and realize.

I was up at 6:30 this morning to make beds, fix breakfast, fold some laundry, check my email and get ready to leave the house by 7:45. I drove an hour to school where I had a short but fun voice rehearsal with Laurie, our accompanist. I had 5 minutes to get to the other side of campus for Movement One. In this class today our teacher told us he was going to play music and to not stop, to feel the music and keep moving no matter what. He then proceeds to play what we called a “mixed tape” in the old days, a compilation of songs from different eras and genres but all up tempo and energetic. And it went on for the entire hour and 15 minutes. I ran, skipped, danced, spun, and clapped the entire class. I then had ten minutes to walk back across campus to my Acting Two class where I made a presentation about the social status of people in 1900 Russia.

Then I had a rehearsal with two delightful actors who are in the scene I am directing from “Death of a Salesman” for my Directing One class. When that was done an hour later, I wrote in my journals for acting, directing and movement while I was thinking about it and these activities were fresh in my mind. I then changed clothes and danced in Ballet Two class for an hour and 15 minutes. I then began my hour drive back home.

I am now finally fixing something to eat- something you might have noticed I did not have time to do all day in spite of all of my physical activity. I will then shower, dress and head out to my “Pablo Cruise Incident” rehearsal tonight. I am so tired I can barely move but I can not stop or I will not be able to get back up and at ’em.

So that is what I do in a day at school. Oh and throw in a few choice remarks from ignorant kids, a few hugs from some of the greatest kids you would ever want to meet and glares from one big time bitch who is getting so ridiculous I have decided she just doesn’t exist any more!

Next week I add a second set of rehearsals for a play I am doing at school and today I am beginning to think I will not make it. But I will, I have lots of support from people at home and at school. And you can’t let the bitches win!


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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.


  1. So proud of you!  What a day – although I admit I am envious!  All that exercise you must be in great shape!  I am still wrestling with middle school teachers, high school tennis coaches, and college fun stuff like the FAFSA….aren’t you glad to be older than me! I can’t wait to be you when I grow up!!

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