Life is a Hike

Spoiler alert- in the movie A Dog’s Purpose, the spirit of a dog finally figures out after several incarnations that his whole purpose boils down to three words- BE HERE NOW.

While on vacation this week I have seen hundreds of signs and stickers in gift shops spouting life affirming statements about forgetting the past, not worrying about the future and living in the present. Although I am not much of a slogan kind of gal, (life is seldom that simple) it eventually gets to you.

In acting or dance classes and on stage you are basically forced to live in the moment.

Growing up going hiking almost every weekend in remote areas and rough terrain, my dad taught me how to walk safely when there was so much around us that could be dangerous. I learned to walk looking down. I was taught to occasionally look up and ahead, but for the most part I watched where my foot was about to land.

Since much of the time we were looking for snakes on purpose, I had to be aware of those as well as a root that could catch my toe or any other dangerous thing I could step on or trip over. Many times hiking as a youngster, I can remember looking at the view or up at the trees, forgetting to watch my step. I almost always ended up falling.

While walking on the beach this morning, I realized that I still walk along looking at the space where I am stepping and only a step or two past that. If I wanted to look at the water or the view, I would stop and really look before walking on.

I think maybe my dad was giving me pretty good advice for life and didn’t even realize it.

I think if I would approach life the way I walk, I might be better off. I need to focus on what is right in front of me. I need to live in the here and now. I need to not look back and only look forward when I am stopped and really see clearly what is on the horizon. Look far ahead only when I can concentrate on the view.

Day in and day out I need to BE HERE NOW. Live my life scenes in the moment. Make sure that where I put my foot is as secure as I can make it. Quit looking all around and falling, but concentrate on what I am living and doing in that step.

I need to approach my life as a hike. Pay attention to where I am going, but enjoy the place where I am right now even more. Appreciate where I am at this minute and know that if I slow down, keep a steady pace and look where I am going I will stay on the right path and eventually make it home.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.