
Today was the kind of day that makes me keep on going. First off I have a new, original script sitting on my desk, ready for me to read and a part in it for me to perform. It is a project I am excited about before I have even read it!

Secondly, I had a private ballet lesson I enjoyed even though I fell!!! Nancy said you don’t fall unless you are giving it everything you have. It didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would!

Then I had a short but good voice lesson, an interesting theatre history class and then went to get my yearbook from school- last year’s book. And there was my picture performing in The Bacchae as well as my name as a Pammie winner. It was not what I expected in a our yearbook! But it made me happy!

On the way home my son was mentioned on the radio show he is working on in such a positive light that I was cheering in my car. He is SOOOO talented and it makes a mother’s heart sing when people recognize his abilities.

I came home by way of the grocery store where I was smiling the whole time I shopped. People would look at me and smile back wondering, I am sure, about why I was so happy. I came home to study and fix dinner but my day was already made! Fulfilling your dreams and seeing your child succeed at the same time is about all you can ask for as a person and a mom.

Yesterday someone said they were glad they only had one child. I wanted many kids when I had my son but God had another plan. As always He knows best. I would never have gone to college if I had more children to deal with and send through school and no kid could have been a better child than Jon. So hurrah for a great day! Tomorrow I have a ballet midterm so I may be in a far different mood then! This explains my tweet a few days ago-“Studying theatre has made me a manic- depressive!”

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.