
Well, it has certainly been a festive day! There was graduation, the Kentucky Derby, We Love Homewood Parade and tonight Rock of Ages. In between I have helped Jon buy some new furniture and arrange it in his new apartment, cleaned the front porch so we can watch the parade pollen free and had a lovely lunch out with my guys.

I have to say that although I was in full “mom mode” this morning, making sure we were on time and finding everyone I promised tickets to, worrying when Matt was late and trying to make the people around me stay in line, the moment I walked into the arena I was overcome with emotion. As Pomp and Circumstance played and I waited just inside the door to process to my seat I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I told myself  to stop it or I would not make it through. I did stop myself and got to my seat. The people around me were sort of annoying and the speaker was funny (the author Cassandra King, whose books I have read for years!) so I never really got teary eyed again.

After it was over and I stood out in the crowd trying to find my family, I saw the back of my friend Matt, the one person I for some reason feel sure I will not see again. I called his name and as he walked over I teared up again. I just don’t want to leave these people! He gave me a quick hug and assured me we WOULD see each other and then he was gone, lost in the crowd. Other friends gathered around and we talked and I eventually found Tim and Jon, outside in the now sunshiny day. We all talked for awhile and then drifted out to our new lives.

Life immediately went back to normal as I knew it would. Already my time at school is becoming a memory. I need to spring clean and arrange my closets, plan dinner for my parents (who could not be bothered to attend graduation, call or any of the parently things we do) who are coming Thursday for my mom’s birthday and other housewife things. I want to rest and read and think for a while and then I am off to Panama. After that, who knows. I sure don’t. For now the honor chords are hung up and the cap and gown are put away. I intend to keep writing, so I will make sure I have adventures to share.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.