
Well, it has happened! I knew it was just a matter of time. I try to never admit it and I think a lot of you don’t want to admit it about me, but I am human! Not in the fact that I make mistakes, didn’t I just admit to that? No- in my actual physical being. Sometimes I get sick. Shocker, I know!! I try my hardest to avoid it because when it starts, sometimes it is hard to shake. The last time I was really sick was almost two years ago, my first fall semester of college. I felt like I was sick the entire semester! I had strep throat, the flu and another time I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, all in one semester! In between I never really regained my strength or my voice. Finally in February, when we began rehearsals for “The Bacchae” I had phlegm and no voice the first week but got stronger as the process went on. I think Dionysus cured me!! I haven’t been really sick since.

Until now I have worked out, eaten right and done everything I can to stay well. If I do feel a tickle in my throat or an ache in my body, I go to work trying to cure it before it really begins. I have told you before -I don’t miss work or school. This Sunday I woke up with a sore throat and chills. I hit the echinachea, stretched my body and tried to carry on. By Monday I felt worse but went to my voice lesson and then to class. I came home and ate a salad and salmon before taking Nyquil and going to bed early. Today I was up and out after checking on my guys who were setting up in downtown Homewood for the “Over the Mountain” 9/11 remembrance. I was feeling somewhat alright in playwriting class and then I went to dance. Now I don’t have to tell you, my loyal readers, that dance is a struggle for me on a good day. And there is someone every class who sits out or doesn’t come to class at all because they are sick. But I feel like I have to prove myself over and over as not being “the sickly old lady.” You would think after two years everyone would know I am always there, if humanly possible. And maybe I have, but to me I have to be there and prove it again and again. Anyway, today we were supposed to do a routine we have learned- perform it for our classmates. Of course, I don’t know it all but I had psyched myself up as much as I can for performing something I am lost as a goose about in front of my peers.

Class begins with a fabulous workout which was tough today but I managed. Then we began the across the floor work. As we twirled I realized I was about to hit the floor. Did I have the gumption to say, “I am dizzy- I think I will sit down”?? NO! I kept on. Two times I thought, “Here I go” and two times I sucked it up and kept on. We worked on the routine again and just as I thought, “I can do this, sort of!” we were out of time and class was dismissed. Performance would be next class. Was I happy or sad? Can’t say. It is what it is. More time to work never hurts, but will I be better or feel worse by Thursday?

So I came home. Since I have been home I have gotten dizzy and nearly passed out twice. Maybe it is a good thing time ran out. And thank God I got home safely! The chills have started and now I am having to face the fact that I might be sick! But I have a project to perform tomorrow so I WILL be in class, that I can assure you! If I am no better I will be heading to the doctor as soon as we are done! As a last resort always go to someone who actually knows what they are talking about! I need to not be sick until May 2013, when I get that diploma and everyone sees me as “The Beast” my boys call me! At that point I can be sick for months to make up for it if necessary. But not now!!!

For now I will curl up in a ball and rest, that is until time to cook dinner and change the laundry from the washer to the dryer. If you think a theatre student has to be well at all times, try being a wife and mom! Or all three!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.