
I have finished my first week of chemistry. I have actually enjoyed it. The last time I tried to take chemistry I hated it. I took chemistry and biochemistry after I finished biology and advanced biology in high school. That was before you HAD to take 4 science classes. Back then you only had to take two to graduate. Back then science was my favorite subject. But last fall I was registered for chemistry and I only lasted the first week. Oh, I could do the equations, what I couldn’t do was put up with the professor. He was sarcastic and I thought, mean. I know that other people liked this guy just fine. I am glad for them. I, however, could not take some of the things he said in class. And I decided a long time ago that life is too short to put up with people like that. He belittled me and another girl in class because we were theatre majors and said we should be in the lower level class. He made fun of other people in the class and made other comments I found offensive. So, while I could still get my tuition back and since I had an extraordinarily full schedule, I dropped it at the end of the first week. I hated to desert my fellow actor, but I got told many times how great she did in the class. And I am glad for her!! I, however, refer you to my earlier statement, I am too old to waste time listening to someone like that if I don’t have to.

And I am so glad I did what I did! I made my fall more bearable then and I am in a class with a fun, vivacious, interesting and realistic professor now. He has done fun demonstrations and he ended the week by exploding sodium in class.He tells jokes and does not take himself too seriously. He is easy to listen to and makes the information clear.

I am taking notes in class for myself of course, but I am also going by the office after class so my notes can be copied for a deaf student and another student who is blind and in a wheelchair. There are things I write down that if I was just doing this for myself, I might skip. But I realize that just because I already know something doesn’t mean these other guys know it. They are probably smarter than I am, but I don’t want to skip any information they might need. So this has made me take better, more detailed notes and I am more conscientious not to let my mind wander during class. I think I should take notes for others in every class!

It is a good schedule and a good experience so far, our first test is next Thursday- I might be singing a different tune then, we’ll see! But as usual, I am enjoying the very thing I was dreading!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.