Break Dancing

I am well aware of the fact that this is not a title you guys would have ever expected to see on this blog. Trust me, it is just as surprising to me! When I left here this morning I had no idea what the day would hold. I am one of those nerdy students who looks at her syllabi most days and I try to prepare myself for what lies ahead. I try to keep track of what we did last class, what is expected for the next class and I try to go in as physically and emotionally prepared as possible. I was not prepared for today. I knew I would have to read my work in playwriting class and although I think what I am working on is wretched, I was prepared to share that wretchedness with the class. I knew it was coming.

And then I went into dance. Now we are a bit off of our syllabus because of anticipating the set being on stage and having a week of not dancing on that set. So I have not really looked  ahead and just taken note of what our teacher tells us. I knew instead of a lecture on the history of jazz originally scheduled, we were dancing. We had our usual warm up and then some across the floor work. I continue to struggle with pirouettes among other things. After awhile we were called to the middle of the floor to learn a new dance. We learn a new dance almost every class now and my poor brain and body stay in a state of confusion. So today when she started with this dance I just jumped in as usual, doing the best I can but not very confident. And the first part was something I could do, it is a song I know and I was getting it. And then everything changed.

We were doing back rolls and spinning around and on our tummies and then break dancing and spinning on our butts. It was moving oh so fast and I was thinking I might hyperventilate! We broke into two groups and did it again, and then again. Now don’t get me wrong, I CAN NOT do this. And yet, I kind of did. I missed a few things and I am sure I was off the beat most of the time, just because I am slow, but for the most part I did it! Both times I felt like I was going to break in half, I have floor burn on my elbow and I think my back will never be the same, but I did it.

The teacher asked if we could remember this for next Tuesday and to myself I had to say, “No, I will not remember it.” Outwardly I said, “I am not sure, but I think it is technically against the law for someone my age to break dance. I will try to find out for sure before Tuesday so I can let you know.” She smiled at me, but I could tell I would be doing it again come Tuesday! My back and legs were telling me if it isn’t, it should be against the law, it is certainly against the law of physics to try and contort my body this way! Somewhere deep inside I have to say I was proud of myself that I did it at all. Somewhere inside I should be glad that for the most part everyone forgets my age and just expects me to do this stuff. And most of the people I know who are my age would never be able to do this! Of course, it is because most of them are smart enough not to put themselves in this awkward position of having to do any of this!

I can go to my grave knowing I did what the 20 year olds did. ( I might be going there sooner after having done it!) And I would love to visit these kids in 35 years and see if they can still do any of this! So I was unprepared, terrified and I am sure awful, but it has been done. And now if any of you are lawyers out there, please feel free to let me know if indeed we broke any laws. If so, call me. Let the phone ring a long time, I will be laying in a tub full of ice.


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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.