Bad Lesson

I have had a crappy day. I think it was a self fulfilling prophesy! I got some news last night that put me in a funk and I went to bed thinking I was destined for a bad day today. This morning I got some more annoying news. I am also still waiting for a verdict on my last callback although I heard from a friend some news that probably means I am out- more of a funk. I worked out and then read the book I am trying to finish before my new book study begins tomorrow. After lunch I felt restless and decided to walk instead of driving to the bank. I thought it would give me a chance to reflect on my bad mood and release all of those wonderful exercise endorphins I read so much about. All it did was release all of the stinky sweat that comes from walking in a bad mood in extreme heat.

I came home to try to read some more, but the phone kept ringing over and over with toll free calls. I remembered that I had not heard back from the lady at the doctor’s office where my son Jon had had some minor, but unexpected surgery earlier in the summer. At the time the company that he worked for was in the process of being sold and during that time they basically sold Jon down the river as part of their deal. They strung him along and messed with him for over two months. He continued to work for them even though more and more he realized he was in a bad situation and did not need to keep working for a company that would treat anyone the way they were treating him. He tried to be hard working and loyal, but it was tough on him. In the midst of all of this he got sick and needed surgery. And true to form the company had not transferred him onto their new insurance and he was left holding the bag. So we helped him. When you have a sick child of any age you take care of them at any cost.

After he was well enough to return to work, he asked about the insurance and was told to try and COBRA off of the old insurance from the old company, so he did. It worked and as it turns out he was covered in arrears including his surgery. I contacted the doctor even though we had already paid Jon’s bills as an uninsured patient. Let me just tell you that is an expensive proposition. But again, when your child is ill you make sure they get well.

I had promptly paid the bills when they came in. Another flaw in my character I am being told. I pay my bills too promptly. Again, I am chastised for doing what I was taught was the right thing to do. I am about to the point of saying to hell with “doing the right thing”! It only seems to get me in trouble! When I went back to the billing department at the doctor’s I was told they would turn in the insurance info but that I would need to stay on top of it after that. Well, now nearly a month later, I have called for two days and finally got hold of the lady who tells me that since we filed with the insurance company we actually owe more money, rather than getting some back!! I was speechless! They also told me the bill I had paid the anesthesiologist was an error and I should get all of that money back- $1,200!! So I called them.They told me that yes it was billed to me in error, but since I paid so promptly it had sent up a red flag and would take months of investigation before I would see any of my money.

So here I sit, furious at the world. I was already in a funk that doctors and insurance companies have fanned into a flame of rage! I have no one to really yell at. And contrary to some people’s belief I really don’t yell at people anyway. Mostly I am just disappointed. I feel let down that the world works this way and that people who are just trying to do the right thing get this kind of run around.

My only lesson from today is don’t hope for anything, don’t plan anything, don’t pay your bills on time and don’t trust anyone. Now that sounds like the kind of advice my mother would give! But I can not live that way. So I will write off all of this money I guess, write off today and write off what I thought I was going to be doing the next few months and start over again tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.