Art isn’t perfect. Art isn’t symmetrical. Art doesn’t fit in a box or follow any rules. Sometimes art is messy. Sometimes art isn’t perfectly clear.

An artist has a vision. An artist knows what they are trying to say, and they want to communicate with others, but not at the expensive of how they HAVE to say it. If you don’t feel the urge, feel a pull, have to get it out, then are you an artist? If no one ever sees your art, is it still art?

Once you put your art into the world, if others mess with it, is it still art? If you produce your masterpiece and someone hangs it upside down, where is your voice? What has happened to your art? If you write a play and someone changes the words, the intent and the very setting, where is your message, your gift, your thoughts?

If you strive for perfection to the exclusion of the grit and imperfection of life, is the art more valuable or less? Does squeaky clean and shiny, smooth edged and slick make it good? Or bad?

If we look for people to be real in their art and people are naturally flawed, why would we want our art to be perfect and bigger than life?  Do we?


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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.