Lucky-Never Dull

I had lunch with two of my good friends today. We always meet at the same place and time, which is comforting. Tim thinks we are boring to always do the same thing, but he does not hear our conversations! Usually there are 4 of us, but one of us struck out on her own this week to attend a women’s conference. I have been reading her blog in order to keep up with her. She is having lots of adventures and I am proud of her!

One of the friends I had lunch with has a son getting married next weekend, my son is in his wedding. My other friend just became a grandma for the first time 2 days ago. I am in rehearsals for a play. Yet we all found time to have a quick lunch and catch each other up. As we were leaving I told them how Jon had made the comment last weekend that everything was so up in the air and we never knew from one day to the next what we were doing. He seemed to be saying that was a bad thing. I think it is a fabulous thing! In the midst of my rehearsals, I am getting ready for another audition. I am also working on some writing and a racing scrapbook for Tim. Tim, in the midst of his racing season is working on some huge commissioned art pieces for a church in Tuscaloosa. They came Tuesday to approve the first piece and to film Tim as he worked for a documentary, the second documentary that has been done on Tim. While Jon is weighing his job options, he is calling the 7on7 tournament for PlayOn sports today. We are all over the place, but being varied, creative and just enjoying possibilities as they come our way. It makes for never a dull moment!

After my lunch I went to a vintage clothing store to look for costumes. I am not the costume person, I was mostly looking for stuff for my character. But as I found dress after dress from the 50’s, great hats and purses, and even vintage bathing suits, I got more and more excited. When I got stuck at the last minute making costumes for 40 kids last spring I thought I would commit hari-kari. But I actually ended up loving the work I did and I was thrilled to see the things I had made from old curtains and tablecloths look like real period costumes on stage (as long as you stayed 20 feet away!) I got more and more excited as I asked the lady how you wore different hats and what era certain purses came from. This is not a thrift store, it is all vintage. I have gotten many a costume there before.

I ended up buying a sweater and a jacket that definitely look like an old maid schoolteacher from the 50’s would wear them. I also bought three hats!! I love to collect hats, but hate to wear them!! Between all I bought and my two vintage dresses from prior plays that I got on Ebay, I feel pretty good about my costumes. But I am concerned about how much I enjoyed thinking about all of these costumes in general. I am not the costume person!! I have to keep telling myself that!

So now I am home and working on a new project, something totally unrelated to anything I have mentioned here. I am glad I can do so many different things, have lunch with such positive and life loving friends and come home to a creative, nurturing environment. As always I am so thankful for everything I get to do. Yes Jon, you are right. We are never sure from one day to the next what will be going on- aren’t we lucky!!?!!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.