
There has been lots of talk about energy this week. It is funny how there seem to be words that go through all of my classes at the same time. “This week was brought to you by energy!!” I have had no energy. Between daylight savings time and my schedule, I am totally exhausted. Spring break can not come too soon! I have a list a mile long of things I have put off until spring break- 2 papers, a monologue to learn, taxes, etc. not to mention cleaning the house. But I will try to find time for a spa day and time on the back veranda!

But the energy the teachers were talking about is the energy you bring into a room with you. You bring it into your job or a rehearsal or what ever you do. It can be negative or positive or lackluster or shiny! It goes through everything you do and it affects other people around you. You can pep people up or bring everyone down. In one of my classes there is someone who has been bringing me down with her attitude and negative energy. It is actually making me angry. When I realized it, I thought about what the professors had said. It made me think about what kind of energy I bring to things. I try to be positive, but I have to say I am human and I do get mad and turned off sometimes.

I was so tired last night after a day of classes and a rehearsal, that I stopped at the grocery store and nearly cried with the thought of having to get out of the car and buy stuff. I tried to muster the energy to go in and get the job done. As I paid for my groceries, the check out lady was full of positive energy and it made me more energetic. I came home, fixed dinner and then worked on my Shakespeare scene. Shakespeare did me in though, so I went to bed. I woke up about 3am thinking, “Hark! I laid their daggers ready!” and therefore started off today tired and less than energetic. But my exhaustion is not going to stop me from trying to put out positive energy! After all, only 3 more days until spring break!!!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.