I only have a short amount of time for a short post. In keeping with my experiences in college thus far, college and/or theatre makes you bipolar. Where I was so upset last week with my cowardly acts, today I decided to be proactive and I did my sonnet! I can not speak to the quality of my work. All I asked for when I prayed was that I not be nervous and that I not be the “old lady” who forgets everything. Everything else past remembering the words was gravy! Learning lines that are in the language I speak is so easy compared to this and I do it easily!! I had to convince myself this was just words!! And I did! I remembered them and I was not nervous. In fact I was ready and excited to just do it! God is good beyond measure!
As I walked to my seat when I was finished I thought to myself- well that is done! I can relax and enjoy the other students for the rest of class. And I only have to do this again if I choose it as one of my pieces for the final. Class was great- I spoke up several times, only positive comments of course, and then class was at an end. The teacher said we would just quickly go through the performances of these sonnets on Wednesday and I could hear the screeching halt in my brain… WHAT? I thought that was it! I thought now we moved on, went away to digest the comments and work on this for the rest of the semester. I have to do it again??
It made me think of the story I have told you before, I think. It is about a pre-schooler who goes to his first day of class. After school his mom picks him up and asks how it went. The child excitedly tells her all about his day; story time, nap time, lunch, the playground. His mom is so happy and tells him how exciting it all sounds and mentions about the next day. The child’s eyes grow large and he says “WHAT?! I have to go back tomorrow!!” That is how I felt! WHAT?! I have to do this AGAIN!?
But I am an experienced Shakespearean actor now! I have done one sonnet! I got this! I can do it!! (Am I convincing??)