all’s well…

The semester is ending much better than it started. I started with awful auditions and a feeling of inadequacy and uncertainty. I am ending it with my BFA auditions done and accepted and a part I am excited about in a main stage play for next semester. I have been inducted into a leadership honor society (ODK) and I have deepened many friendships over the cialis I feel more accepted by the people at school- well not all of them but no one bats a thousand!

I know that next semester will be nuts- 19 hours of classes, a show at Virginia Samford, a show at school with a couple of weeks overlap between the two and planning my BFA project with Stephonn. But I am so pumped and excited that I know I will get through it all.

So this is the lesson for today- not “all’s well that ends well” as the title suggests but “hang in there”. At the first of the semester I was frustrated and felt like quitting. I thought the kids hated me and the faculty hated me. I thought I was a loser. I thought ballet would do me in and that I was stupid. But I have made good grades again so far (finals next week will tell the complete story) and I have succeeded where I thought I never could. Except for ballet- no telling the grade I’ll get in there and yes, I still feel like a loser in that class. No amount of determination and perseverance can make an old, clumsy, uncoordinated lady who has never danced in her life a ballet dancer! (And I get to take Ballet 2 in the spring!) But I did not quit and I am in good shape if nothing else from trying.

You never know what life holds just around the corner, or on down the road or way off somewhere. So keep on going until you get it right and eventually things straighten out for those who sincerely try. I have told lots of classmates in the past couple of weeks that God has us where he knows we need to be even if we don’t understand the plan most of the time. Most look at me like I have two heads, but I know it is true. So I will write again after exams and deliver the news about them, but for now I am in a great place and excited for the future! I might actually succeed after all!

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