Lots Going On

It is hard to believe that my last semester is almost a fourth over with! It has been a very interesting semester so far and I feel like I have made some great discoveries. Some of the things I have struggled so hard with in dance have started making sense, just in time for me to graduate and never dance again! Believe me- I am still no dancer, but I understand and remember a tiny bit more than I did. Part of it is, I gave up trying so hard. I realized I will never dance and my fellow students will always laugh at me. I have just learned to relax a bit and go with what I got. Also, after 6 different dance classes and 3 consecutive hours of dancing twice a week this semester, something was bound to sink in!!

Acting 3 has been interesting in that I have enjoyed it more than I thought I would. So far I am capable of learning Shakespeare, even though I am sure my southern dialect makes it sound awful. Again, I am what I am and I am so tired of feeling apologetic for that. So you get what you get!

And although I really can’t talk about it, being the director and going through the casting process has been much more exhausting than I could ever imagine. I do LOVE listening to everyone audition. And for the most part I wish I could cast everyone. That is where it gets hard. I am trying to do my best and to be fair, but it certainly makes you think back to your past auditions and question why you were or were not cast. It takes a lot of pressure off of auditions to know how the whole process works from the director’s side of things.

Of course voice is a joy and for all three years, but especially the past two, it has been my oasis from all things controversial and difficult. And now I not only have my private lesson time but a group class that is equally as fun and educational.

Today classes were postponed until noon which means I am free until 2. In this one short month I have had afternoon classes cancelled due to snow and now morning classes cancelled due to storms. Neither time has really gotten me out of any work, it has just stopped me from doing work that I was really looking forward to. And it caused cancelled lunch plans. But a morning at home is always nice too!

So the semester speeds on- it should get more and more hectic as I get underway with rehearsals for my short play and then next week have auditions at the high school where I will be working for the majority of the semester. Oh! And show choir solo judging in February! Lots to look forward to, lots of work to do and most of it is stuff I can’t really share since everyone is so worried about confidentiality in this world of facebook, twitter and blogs! I seem to be the only one who tries to follow all of the rules and gets called out anyway, so I will be trying to walk the fine line between sharing my life and thoughts, but keeping everyone else out of it and my actual experiences under wraps!!

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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.