37 Years

In a way it seems like yesterday, but in other ways it seems like a lifetime ago.

It is one of those days that you never forget, the little details will hit you sometimes out of the blue. In that respect it seems like yesterday.

It has been a whole different life than what I had before which makes it seem like a lifetime since it all began.

On a rainy, cool Saturday, Tim and I began a journey that has been rosy and wonderful every day since.

OK- that was the Instagram version. Now for the truth.

It has been 37 years of adventure, fun, discovery, arguments, joy, creativity, aggravation, compromise, love and family. It has the best moments you can imagine and moments that I can not imagine what I was thinking. It has created new art, new ideas and new life. It has been full of sleepless nights, exciting days, unexpected happiness and shared sorrow. It has been time together and moments apart. It has been the reason we get up to see what the new day holds and the reason we end the day exhausted.

It has been the best thing I ever did.

Being married this long is super easy as long as you don’t mind working at it every day. It is full of things that you have to struggle through and things you wish would just last forever. It is more than you can imagine it to be, which is usually a good thing.

Knowing when to let things slide would probably be good advice, but since I’ve never taken that advice I won’t give it. I hold Tim’s feet to the fire and he does the same to me. We push each other to be real, to be more.

In talking to a friend today at lunch, she pointed out that a true friend wants the best for you. That isn’t always easy. Sometimes it is telling them the truth, even when they don’t want to face it. In marriage that is so true, and the line between helping and hurting is fine and hard to find sometimes.

Being friends, being individuals, being real, being honest, being flexible, being YOU is what makes 37 years seem like only the beginning.

We decided 37 years ago that we could not see being married forever. What does that even mean- forever?? We decided to marry for a set number of years and then renegotiate. It has been 37 years. Tomorrow we begin another year together. We only have 50 more to go until we need to reevaluate this whole situation.

As of right now, it is definitely possible that we will sign up for another 87 years at that time. I’ll keep you posted!


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Marietta is a graduate of the University of Montevallo with a BFA in musical theater. She has been performing for over 50 years on the stage and continues to perform, direct and teach. Marietta is married to Tim, has a son named Jon, and a cat named Penny.